Discover how YOU can use self-movement and self-sensing to release stored stress and trauma, and better regulate your whole system for less stress, greater ease, and truly embodied wellbeing.
Stuck stress makes it impossible to fully heal emotional and physical pain
(however hard you try, and however much "work" you put in)
Trying to heal without first releasing stuck stress is fighting a losing battle.
Your body - your nervous system - simply can't heal fully when it's stuck in stress.
Which of these issues cause you stress?
Stiffness, discomfort and ongoing pain (including back pain and chronic pain conditions).
Feeling emotions such as anxiety, depression, and stress much or all of the time - "even" when there's no reason for you to feel that way.
Weakness, clumsiness, and fatigue (especially when "medically unexplained").
Problems with digestion, breathing, immune system, and more (again, especially when "medically unexplained").
Getting stuck in emotional and physical patterns or habits that don't serve you well, but seem impossible to shake. (This might include being irritable or angry when you don't want to be - snapping at people you love, or crying for "no good reason".)
Feeling ill at ease in yourself, in your body. Feeling you're "missing out" on life, but don't know how to overcome the fear holding you back, or how to stop resisting real change...
When you release embodied stress, changes start to happen...
(because you're nurturing your nervous system)
Capacity to provide effective stress release for yourself with strategies and exercises based in neuroscience and human experience.
The ability to stay calm in situations that would previously have stressed you out, and to calm yourself more quickly and efficiently when you do get stressed out.
Better able to rest and relax, including sleeping more soundly.
Healthier digestion, fuller breathing, and a stronger immune system.
Less stiffness, tension, discomfort and pain in your body - and greater ease and confidence in yourself.
Increased ability to move effortlessly, feel stronger and more present, and use your body efficiently.
Greater resilience to the emotional and physical demands of life, and to daily stresses and strains (as well as to bigger stresses, and to trauma).
A bigger capacity to heal - emotionally, and physically.
A self-paced, self-study programme that uses movement, sensing, and learning to address stuck stress and get rid of discomfort and pain.
Its practical approach is grounded in neuroscience, and designed to release embodied stress and improve your nervous system health - all so that you can access greater ease and healing in your life.
As well as reducing stress levels and promoting overall comfort & ease, the practices you learn address the physical manifestations of stress - from back pain to neck pain, hip pain to shoulder pain, RSI to SI joint pain, and syndromes including CPRS and fibromyalgia.
For 28 days, you receive a daily email
that lets you know the focus for the day.
Every day, you get
a short video introduction to the day's theme or class,
educational material to enhance your experience and understanding,
an opportunity to get INTO your body, using sensation or movement,
and/or a video or audio exercise.
The 28-day course gives you the tools you need to identify your stuck stress, and step-by-step guidance through different strategies to go about releasing it from your body and neuromuscular system.
The goal of every lesson and technique you'll experience, is to pave your journey from stressed-out to a state of greater ease.
Let's list what you get when you sign up:
Welcome section that includes practical guidance on how to move safely and most helpfully in the movement lessons
3 x “Nervous System Basics” lessons
3 x “theory” lessons (about the stress–trauma continuum, stretching, and the myth of ageing)
25+ video and audio classes (between 7 and 25 mins each)
22 x short daily intro videos (2 to 8 mins each)
PLUS written and visual materials, with pdf downloads
PLUS a space for your own notes and queries for each day
PLUS a short glossary of terms and ideas
PLUS extra, BONUS content!
The course is delivered over 28 days, but is genuinely self-paced.
You can complete the whole course in 28 days, if you choose. But you can also choose to do a lesson every 2 or 3 days, just once a fortnight, or take the 28 lessons over any period of time that works for YOU.
I encourage you to go at the pace that suits YOU, and that works for YOUR nervous system.
You have lifetime access to the course.
Our culture tells us all sorts of myths about stress and about pain - what causes them, and how to deal with them.
As a result, most of us just don’t appreciate what stress and pain actually are, biologically speaking. And that means we don't know how to get rid of them!
Maybe you've tried talk therapy for your stress, or taking painkillers for your pain - and don't understand why they don't really work (even while still believing they would, if only you could find the right therapist, the right approach, the right meds)?
In 28-Day Embodied Stress Release, you'll learn a whole lot about WHY that is...
Like I said, your body - your nervous system - simply can't heal fully, or function efficiently, when it's stuck in stress.
This is because embodied stress creates nervous system dysregulation, so your overall health suffers - in many different ways.
Because your nervous system controls how all your other bodily systems function. (It regulates your digestion, your heart rate, your muscle tension, your brain pathways, your immune system health, and more besides..!)
To enable lasting healing and real change, your nervous system needs to release stuck stress, through movement.
The good news: Where can you find the most important resources you need to get rid of stress, as well as stiffness, discomfort, and pain?
Those resources are in you already – in your brain, your nervous system, and your inbuilt human capacity to create change in those powerful parts of yourself. (#neuroplasticity!)
The 28-Day Embodied Stress Release course draws on your natural, inbuilt resources. You get to activate those resources through embodied learning, with specific movement and awareness lessons designed to change the way your brain and nervous system communicate to deal with the stresses and strains of life (past, present, and future).
You'll explore somatic exercises and techniques that literally get rid of the stress and "bad habits" stuck in your body (causing a vicious cycle of stress, discomfort, pain, and more stress...) - and you'll create new, stress-free, pain-free ways of sensing, moving, and being.
Remember: as well as reducing stress levels and improving overall comfort & ease in your body and yourself, the sensing & movement practices in this course can address many physical manifestations of stress - from back pain to neck pain, foot pain to shoulder pain, from hip pain, frozen shoulder, and scoliosis to RSI, CPRS, and fibromyalgia.
I'm a Certified Clinical Somatic Educator & Essential Somatics® Movement Teacher, whose work is Somatic Experiencing® Informed. I have an eclectic background in philosophy, cultural studies, psychotherapy, editing, anthrozoology, and volunteering overseas.
I changed my path in life when I discovered Hanna Somatics and Clinical Somatic Education. It resolved my 10+ years of chronic neck, wrist, and hip pain, and dramatically reduced my stress levels.
I'm passionate about Somatic Education because it works! I'm also passionate about teaching and problem-solving.
This is why I love teaching people to address their own stress and resolve their own discomfort and pain. It's so much more than "movements" and "exercises". It's life-changing.
Medical Disclaimer
All the material in the 28-Day Embodied Stress Release course is intended for educational purposes only. The content of "28-Day Embodied Stress Release" is not (nor is a substitute for) medical including mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Samantha Holland, PhD, ESMT, CCSE, RSME, BFRP is not a medical doctor: she will educate you about how you can take care of yourself somatically, but you are responsible for monitoring your own health and choosing exercises and movements that are beneficial to you, and not pushing into stress and pain. If you have specific questions or concerns about any medical matter, or think you may be suffering from a medical condition, you should consult your doctor or healthcare provider. You should not rely on any information or guidance the "28-Day Embodied Stress Release" course or Samantha Holland provides you with as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or healthcare provider.
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I never sell or otherwise share your personal information with anyone else. I use your personal details only for the purposes of providing you sevices you have paid for and requested, and for sending you information from time to time about the "28-Day Embodied Stress Release" programme and/or other courses or materials I believe might be of interest to you. If you choose to join a private Facebook group, it's up to you what information you share: you're advised not to share any sensitive information in the group and to guard against identity theft and other potential concerns just as you would anywhere online.
My full Privacy Policy is on my website, along with my Terms & Conditions.